Monday, April 27, 2015


  1. First of all, consider the sentence in question in the matter. Remember the purpose of the questions is to know or determine the structure kawaban paliing what is right for the complete lack of matter. So as to observe carefully will know the shortcomings and what is needed to complete it. Here you need to identify the components of the sentence. That is, which is the subject (noun), prediket (verb), object (noun), adverbs, and so on
  2. Consider each answer available, choose the most appropriate to complement the disputed kaliamat you have to pay attention to each answer in the answer choices (A), (B), (C), and (D). By looking carefully you will soon find out which one is the right choice to fill the shortage in the sentence in question. Of course you need to equip yourself with sufficient capability grammar. Jadis detriment when studying grammar books
  3. Do not ever eliminate an answer choice by just looking at the answer without seeing the phrase about, in general, each answer choice maing is true when he stood sendiri.Sebuah choice answers will be known right or wrong after inserted into the sentence.

Examples of questions and to answer them

1. Martha Graham, ____________ of the
pioneers of modern dance, did not begin
dancing until she was 21.
(A) who, as one
(B) she was
(C) one
(D) was one

             In answering soal2 SWE, the first thing that we need to know is the main sentence (main sentence) of the question. As a matter of existing main line above the Martha Graham did not begin dancing until she was 21. bearti among comma can not be in the form of a sentence, the correct answer is C. The function expression between commas as appositive (explaining the main subject of the sentence)

2. There are thousand of different types of roses.
       A B C D
The answer is obvious and due to be his in the form of multi-acre, Theresudah true because are not underlined, as the adjective describes different types, of preposition connect katatypes and roses.

3. Neither Sponges have separate heads or body organs.
         A B C D
Here the problem is fixed pattern, either ... or, Neither .... nor, not only .... but Also, so the answer is obvious C :)

4. Tiger moths __________ wings marked with
stripes or spots.
(A) have
(B) with
(C) Reviews their
(D) Whose
In this matter, the main sentence yet so we have to choose the answer that makes the matter into sentences, of course the answer is A, because only A which is a verb (verb) heehheehehe

5. The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lampsit was in the town of Frederick, New York, in A B C D 1825.
The main sentence in this matter is the use of natural gas was in the town. Thus said it is not needed anymore because the double subject. The answer is C.

Example Problem Structure:
Sometimes __________ to place physics and chemistry into separare caragories.
A. difficult,
B. is difficult,
C. it is difficult,
D. that it is difficult,

In answering questions of this type, usually a wanted distinguished from four answer choices. First that we have to do is membagi2 sentence into kelompok2 (will be explained in detail in the next post). We see no sentence above subject and verb, shall mean the right answer imaginable subject and verbnya namely C. Why D one subject and verb but there also? Because the answer is no connector D 'that', some bearti connector connected while the word 'sometimes' only adverbs and in this context does not need connector.

Now we see an example of Written Expression about the following:
A principle of the manager is to Ensure that every action ordecision Achieves a carefully planned goal.  A B C D

In answering questions of this type, Written Expression (WE), which we find is that one of the answer choices are underlined. To search for a wrong, we should be based on the correct word or phrase that is all that is NOT underlined. To answer the above question, which really is A, why? because the word "manager" is not in accordance with the meaning of a sentence, the key word is "principle". Supposedly "management" NOT "manager".



             As you know, the TOEFL test all aspects of English language skills, ie speaking, writing, listening and reading. Each section would have difficulty each. In reading comprehension, a major problem often encountered is the lack of time available to do all the questions, because usually the time consumed for reading comprehension. Therefore, the necessary tips and tricks to solve the problem tersbut and how to get a TOEFL score higher on reading comprehension section.
  1. You do not need to spend your time just to read about. Typically, you will be hooked to understand the overall readings given, let alone what it was interesting when reading or even elusive. If you try to understand all the contents of the reading, of course it will spend your time. When in fact you do not have to understand the whole readings to be able to work on the problems that diberikan.Sebenarnya you simply understand the basic idea of ​​each paragraph. Generally, the basic idea can be found at the beginning or end of a paragraph. The basic idea is to represent the contents of a paragraph, so enough with the basic idea of ​​course you've got information about the paragraph.
  2. Observe the keywords of each question, because generally each question has a certain keyword related to reading. Keywords that will be very important because it will allow you to find the answer in reading. With these keywords, you can more quickly get information from reading, and then match it with a question and answer options are available. You can imagine how long you have to understand the reading if you can not find the keyword on the matter and readings. With the keywords of the question, search for information on reading it will be more focused.
  3. You should not panic if you have any long readings or already understood. If you encounter such problems, you need to use your ability to guess the intent of the passage. This can be done by finding key ideas, or important words from the text. Then, you also need to understand the context of the reading well, especially for the type of questions to ask the meaning of a word. A word may change the meaning in context, and you need to be careful and observant in understanding the context of this passage. In addition, use the same scanning method to obtain specific information on the given problem. Scanning can be done by using the words the principal of the question. This will certainly save you time over having to read one by one. In addition, if you find it difficult to get the right answer, you can use the elimination method, namely by eliminating answer choices that are likely not related to the matter. In this test, you will be given 20 minutes to complete six questions. The first two are still a matter of a simple test. You will be asked to give an answer that is accompanied by a certain reason. The questions tend to be simple however, you are only given a short amount of time to think.
In addition, if you find a problem that if difficult, try to skip that question and move on to another matter and do about that later. This is very important in relation to the use of the allocation of the available time. If you are too focused on the difficult problem, you will be a lot of wasted time and it is not enough to work on another topic. In addition, you need to try to stay focused. Concentration will be needed. In addition, physical health is well prepared, so that when the test condition your body healthy. In addition, you can also bring a watch so you can control your time with good workmanship.

Examples of questions and to answer them
Strategy 1: Main Idea Questions
What is the shape Questions Topic / Subject / Main Idea / Title / Main Points?
How to Answer:
1. Read the first line of each paragraph
2. Locate the main idea in the first row
3. Read the whole story to quickly check the main idea you have found
4. Discard the answer you expect one

Strategy 2: Question detail that the information in paragraphs
Question types:
According to the passage?
it is stated in passage?
the which of following is true?
How to Answer:
1. Search Keyword Such Questions
2. Quick Read Possible Part of the story is that in accordance with the keyword
3. Read the sentence containing the word key words or ideas carefully
4. Discard the answer you think is wrong

Strategy 3: Not part of the story / article
Question types:
Which of following is not stated / Mentioned / Discussed
All of following are true except ...?
How to Answer:
1. Search Keyword Such Questions
2. Quick Read Possible Part of the story is that in accordance with the keyword
3. Read the sentence containing the word key words or ideas carefully
4. Discard predicted wrong answers
5. Choose the answer that is not discussed in the story

Strategy 4: Question Inferred
An indication in the story that should take the conclusion of the story.
Question types:
It is implied in the passage that ...
It can be inferred from the passage that ...
How to Respond:
1. Search Keyword Such Questions
2. Quick Read Possible Part of the story is that in accordance with the keyword
3. Read the sentence containing the word key words or ideas carefully
4. Discard predicted wrong answers

Strategy 5: Vocabulary
Type Question: What is the meaning of X in line 3?
How to Answer:
1. How word of the question
2. Read it day2 sentence containing the word
3. Find explanation manual to determine the meaning of the word
"The context of the sentence about the word can help determine the meaning of the word
4.Buang predicted wrong answers

Strategy 6: The question "Where"
Questions to indicate the location where the word or phrase by about
Type Question: Where in Passage ...?
How to Answer:
1. Search for the keywords of the question
2. Read quickly possible that part of the story is that according to the key words or ideas
3. Choose the answer that contain the keyword
