How to Answer Questions Listening Tests TOEFL
- Understand the forms of the command (Direction in each section (part) well before the big day).
- Read the answer choices each matter when the narrator is reading direction and example problems (Directio already read before D-day).
- Listen to the full concentration and focus your attention on the conversation you are listening.
- Maximize the ability listeing the first issues of each part.
PART A: Short Conversation
- Focus on the speaker to hear both
- Do not panic if you do not understand a word-for-word in a conversation in kompliy, just need to capture the ideas and contents of the conversation
- If you can not understand what was being said, choose the best answer is different from what you heard
- Understand the functional forms of expression (agreement, suggestion, suprice, etc.), idiomatic expressions and situations when the conversation is done
PART B: Longer Conversation
- When the narrator talked direction part B should read the answer choices at a glance and then record it and estimate what the theme will be discussed
- When listening to the conversation, you must know the theme / topic being discussed
- Beware of each question
- Pay attention to the conditions and circumstances that occurred during a conversation that is concerned with the place and the time to talk, what and who is concerned
- If you have a lot of time, look at the answer choices listed in the booklet and find the key word
- Beware talks in sentences first because usually the topic for the next sentences
- Focus listen on matters relating to the 5-WH questions (What, Why, Who, When, Where) and How
- Draw conclusions on the situation that occurs when the conversation is done.
Example :
Man : Can you tell me if today’s matinee is comedy, romance, or western
Women : I have no idea
Narrator : What does the women mean
(A) She has strong ideas about movies
(B) She prefers comedy over westerns and romances
(C) She doesn’t like today’s matinee
(D) She does not know
The key word:" I have no idea " which means the speaker did not have any idea
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